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Harris Teeter Super Doubles : June 23 - 29

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The Deal Scoop: Harris Teeter Super Doubles : June 23 - 29

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Harris Teeter Super Doubles : June 23 - 29

Harris Teeter will be having Super Double Coupons June 23 - 29. Coupons with a face value of up to $1.98 will be doubled, with a limit of 20 per household per day.

I have posted the match-ups in a Google Document which will allow you to sort the list according to your own preference - by price, insert date, or aisle of the store.

-The Master List is what will come up when you initially click on the link to the document. This is what you want to look at if you keep checking back to see if I've added anything new. Anything new that has been added to the list will be at the bottom of the Master List spreadsheet. ( I may or may not have time to add them to the other lists.)

-At the top of the spreadsheet you will see options to sort by price, by coupon source, or by aisle.

  • If you're the type that likes to shop according to what will be the cheapest, you'll want to sort by price. The list is sorted by the least expensive to the most expensive.

  • If you like to file your coupon inserts whole and only cut out the coupons when you need them, you'll want to sort by insert. The coupons are listed in order by insert date with printable coupons and other sources included as well.

  • If you want to print out a list for the store, you can sort by aisle to make your trip through the store go a little faster.

-Any price with an asterisk beside it is presently on sale, but may or may not be on sale next week. I can't predict the future, so please don't get mad at me if it's not on sale during triples week!
Click here to view the document.

I will be adding more deals as the week goes on, but please feel free to leave a comment if you find any deals not listed.

Don't forget to subscribe to The Deal Scoop in a reader or by email to receive regular updates on more great deals like this!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom's can WIN a free $100 cosmetic shopping spree & share with a friend. Register at!!!

June 23, 2010 at 2:37 PM  
Blogger LivingSoAbundantly said...

Thank you so much! Your organization of the coupons is amazing. A+ work in my book!

June 24, 2010 at 2:13 PM  

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